Marjo Heijkoop

Marjo Heijkoop was born on 29 September 1956. On 1 November 2011 she decided to turn her passion for writing into her first priority. In addition, she sometimes draws digital pictures for her blogs or for the covers of her e-books. She keeps a bullet journal, plays video games, reads books and watches and reviews films.

Johanna Lime was born as a concept in Sliedrecht in the Netherlands on 1 November 2011. At the time, she was the combined pseudonym of Marjo Heijkoop and Dinie Boudestein. Since Dinie’s death of cancer on 21 December 2018, Marjo has continued her writing career as Johanna Lime on her own.

Johanna Lime writes fantasy adventures for Young Adults, but that can actually be read by fantasy fans of all ages. Her debut novel Schimmenschuw (‘Spirit shy’) was followed by the trilogy De vergeten vloek (‘The forgotten curse’), of which the third part, Schamel verbond (‘Humble alliance’), will be out in 2020.